
International Yoga day 2022

International Yoga day 2022

THE INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY AIMS TO RAISE AWARENESS WORLDWIDE OF THE MANY BENEFITS OF PRACTICING YOGA Day of the celebration: 19 June 2022 Experience the benefits of yoga in the ardennes, surrounded by the freshness of the trees and hills A FUN AND SPIRITUALLY...

Ramanavami 2022

Ramanavami 2022

Ramanavami is a festival dedicated to the appearance of Lord Rama. The sacred text Srimad-Bhagavatam describes that, as ruler of the world, Lord Rama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, performed sacrifices, gave charity to the saintly people (brahmanas), and...

Nieuw! Online Cursus: Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 NL

Nieuw! Online Cursus: Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 NL

Hare Krsna, Aanvaard onze nederige eerbetuigingen Alle eer aan Srila Prabhupada Beste toegewijden, vrienden en geïnteresseerden, Na de succesvolle afronding van de Bhagavad Gita, de Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 en Canto 2 online cursussen, willen wij nu overgaan tot het...

Bhakti Home Program

Bhakti Home Program

In the earlier days, if you wanted to be religious or spiritual it would only be for those going to the temples. However, we have a special home program composed for you so that we can have a spiritual program with you and your family. And in this way your living...

ONLINE Bhagavatam Lezing

ONLINE Bhagavatam Lezing

Zijne Heiligheid Kadamba Kanana Swami zal deze Zondag op 2 Mei een online lezing geven in het Nederlands. U kunt meedoen via zoom met de volgende gegevens: Meeting ID: 5975804631 Wachtwoord: Krishna Voor meer informatie kunt u schrijven naar :...

GRATIS online Srimad-Bhagavatam lessen

GRATIS online Srimad-Bhagavatam lessen

Beste toegewijden, vrienden en geïnteresseerden, Het is ons gelukt! De eerste Bhagavad Gita “ Zoals ze is” online cursus in het Nederlands is afgerond! De cursus werd gepresenteerd door ervaren sprekers op een leuke en moderne wijze met hedendaagse voorbeelden en...

Moving forward

Moving forward

So we have entered 2021 and said our goodbyes to the ‘memorable’ 2020 (Gaura Purnima being our actual Gaudiya Vaisnava new year). No doubt the material energy will continue to throw all sorts of challenges at us in 2021, but as fortunate souls engaged in devotional service to Lord Krsna, we will continue in our endeavors to engage in His service in whatever ways and means we each can. A devotee doesn’t care if they are in heaven or hell, as long as they have some devotional service to do to offer to the Lord.

Visit from our local school

Visit from our local school

Ecole Communale de Borlon was invited to spend the day at Radhadesh to see the ongoing projects. The Greenhouse project was a perfect link for the school to spend a full day with us.