It is with great relief to say that we finally got all the doors fully opened in Radhadesh last Tuesday. And it was even more a relief to see that so many nice guests came. Especially by Sunday, there was a steady flow of guests crossing our front lawns, all eager to enjoy their visit to Radhadesh. Even the weather seemed to be playing along as the sun shined all day! Needless to say everyone is eager to ‘stretch their legs’ after the three month confinement.
Our many departments are still working on the ways to implement the various government requirements, while offering our guests a nice experience. Especially in the restaurant and the Tour program, many changes had to be implemented to comply with the health standards. In our restaurant, our staff used the lockdown time very productively. Both in a wonderful refurbishment that makes the place like new. But also they spent many days working on newer and better recipes to offer our customers. When more and more people are concerned to eat healthy, our team are working behind the scenes to provide the first class meals that are both healthy and super delicious to eat. Often a difficult challenge to meet! Especially new to the menu is a delicious Lasagna, a new cheesecake recipe and new delicious breads. All of course cooked on the property by our dedicated cooks.
The Radhadesh Boutique is also very happy to see the flow of guests again as we did receive the most recent shipping of new items during the lockdown. Beautiful things are only appreciated when you share them with others!
And also an exciting new place that our guests can see that developed during the lockdown, is our wonderfully blossoming new vegetable garden. An aspect of Radhadesh we have been eager to develop for years is now happening on a serious scale. And we are hoping, like the vegetables in the garden, that it will grow and grow over the years to come.