Radhadesh priest services
We perform Vedic Samskaras or purificatory ceremonies at the ISKCON Radhadesh temple. Our priests are highly qualified and trained in performing Vedic rites. They have deep understanding of Vedic literatures and Vaisnava philosophy, hence are able to explain every rite and ritual with proper context.
The Vedic literatures describe that there are many opportunities during one’s life – from before birth to after death – when one may perform a ceremony for purification to evoke auspiciousness and ensure advancement in spiritual life.
So we welcome you to contact us with your specific needs by filling out the form on this page or emailing us at
List of Samskaras (Ceremonies)
Please notify us at least 3 weeks in advance.
- Simantonnayanam (baby shower)
- Birthday
- Namakarana (name giving)
- Anna Prasana (first grains)
- Cuda Karanam (hair cutting)
- Griha-pravesa/Vastu Puja
- Deity Installation
- Srimad Bhagavatam installation
- Lectures/Classes on Bhagavat Gita & Srimad Bhagavatam
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Meet the priests
Dhira Krsna dasa
Head pujari in Radhadesh
Gopi Ramana dasa
Pujari in Radhadesh