
Make the most of your visit to Chateau de Petite Somme, Radhadesh. In Radhadesh we have many facilities, like our restaurant  for you to relax and sip hot chai or our boutique where you can find unique items to beautify your home, but did you know that we also offer workshops, events and retreats to beautify your soul. Learn more about different topics and implement the skills in your day to day life. We offer many different kinds of workshops like Garland Making, Henna Workshops, Cooking courses, Art workshops, Mandala Chakra workshops and so much more. These workshops are available for you to connect with your inner self and express differently than we do on a daily basis. 

In the sidebar you will find the planned workshops. If you have missed a workshop or you are interested in one of the above workshops and aren’t listed on our upcoming list, feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you and see how we can help you in the best way possible. Are you visiting Radhadesh with more than four people and would like to do an activity together, click here and see what we have to offer.

The best way to book your place for the workshops is to email to

We hope to see you soon!